Frequently Asked Questions

Search Results
73 FAQs matched your search criteria.
  1. Adjusting the ink dry time
  2. Cannot set Tiger Interpoint Setting
  3. Columbia/Delta: The printer just makes a beep
  4. Configuring Legacy Print Settings
  5. Creating Overprint text.
  6. Cub/Max: How to Update Firmware.
  7. Embossing 2 Sided (Interpoint) on a ViewPlus Desktop embosser
  8. Embraille: New Paper Guide and Firmware Introduced in January 2016
  9. Emfuse: Updating Firmware
  10. Emprint/Spotdot: Updating the firmware
  11. Graphics are lost when translating a Word document
  12. How can I emboss from a Mac?
  13. How Do I Activate by File?
  14. How do I both ink and emboss the braille cells?
  15. How do I enable the option to remove empty lines in TSS?
  16. How do I find my printer error code?
  17. How do I find my Tiger Software Suite license number?
  18. How do I find my Tiger Software Suite version number?
  19. How do I find my ViewPlus embosser driver version?
  20. How do I install a printer over the network?
  21. How do I install my ViewPlus embosser drivers?
  22. How do I install the Tiger Software Suite 5?
  23. How do I print from GoodFeel with a ViewPlus Embosser?
  24. How do I print from MegaDots?
  25. How do I report an issue to Microsoft or Duxbury?
  26. How to check the printer error code for a ViewPlus embosser
  27. How to enable the VPformatter.dll add-in for Microsoft Word.
  28. How to I setup a print queue that always prints to file?
  29. How to install a printer when the hardware is not actually connected to the PC.
  30. How to Select your Braille Language
  31. How to set Permission so that All Users can set Printing Preferences.
  32. How to set up your embosser in Duxbury
  33. How to set up your WiFi device
  34. How to set your Braille language options in ViewPlus Translator
  35. How to use ViewPlus Translator
  36. I Cannot Activate my License
  37. Light Braille Dots on One Side of the Paper
  38. Lithuanian characters are not translating correctly.
  39. Magic Colors and ViewPlus Embossers.
  40. Microsoft Word Unable to Print forms Over 22 Inches
  41. No Braille Dots in the Application after Translating with ViewPlus Translator
  42. Prerequisite Support Software
  43. Printing BRF files to a ViewPlus Embosser
  44. Printing Interpoint from Duxbury
  45. Quick Emboss.
  46. Removing blank lines from a document during translation.
  47. Setting up a VP embosser for Braille2000
  48. Setting up Embraille with Duxbury System's Purky Duck.
  49. The Language Settings window (TSS 4 and 5).
  50. The Tiger Software Suite interface (TSS 4 and 5).
  51. There are no Braille dots after translation
  52. Tiger Designer is unable to open my files for the EmFuse
  53. Translating and including page numbers.
  54. Translating Text From a Web Page
  55. Translating text from a web page to Braille
  56. TSS6 Tiger Add-in is missing from Word.
  57. TSS6 Tiger ribbon does not appear in Word and Excel, or does not work.
  58. Updating the firmware for the ViewPlus Embraille Embosser.
  59. Updating the firmware on a Premier 80 / 100, Elite 150 / 200
  60. Using an Embosser Which Does Not Appear in the List in Duxbury.
  61. Using the Output option in ViewPlus Translator
  62. What are BRF, PRN, & TDSX file types?
  63. What is the Tiger Cleanup tool?
  64. What is ViewPlus Translator?
  65. What programs can print to a ViewPlus Embosser?
  66. What software is installed with the Driver?
  67. What software programs can print to a ViewPlus embosser?
  68. What to Check if Margins are not as Expected
  69. When I print to file, and view the result in Tiger Designer, the ink page is blank, or there is only an emboss page.
  70. Why can't I print my 11.5"x11" document in portrait orientation using MS Word?
  71. Why do I Get an Error About Missing FM20.dll?
  72. Why does my embosser emboss documents the wrong orientation when embossing from Word?
  73. Why is my translated document missing capital indicators?

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