Frequently Asked Question

I Cannot Activate my License
Last Updated 6 years ago

There are several possible reasons you might not be able to activate a license. 

The license may not be valid for the product you are trying to activate. 
In this case, the error message will indicate the license is invalid.  Check that you entered the number correctly and that the license is for the product you are trying to activate, and the correct version of that product.

You may not have sufficient permissions to activate the license.
In this case, you may have installed an older version of Tiger Software Suite originally, and now you have updated TSS.  Due to a change in the way local activation works, License Manager does not run with elevated permissions by default.  When License Manager encounters registry keys with elevated permissions it cannot edit them.  Usually, you can solve this by running License Manager "as administrator".

Click Start and type "VP License Manager" without quotes.  Before you have finished typing Windows will have figured out what you want and will display the icon.


Right-click the icon and select Run as administrator.


Some users will be asked for an administrators username password.  You may need help from an IT administrator at this time.

Other users will be able to launch License Manager and finish the activation.

If you continue to have problems activating the software, please run license manager in debug mode.  Click Start and type the following command with quotes:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\ViewPlus\License Manager\LicenseManager.exe" -d

Attempt to activate the software and close license manager.  A log file will have been created in the temporary folder.
Open the temporary folder by clicking Start and typing %temp%.
When you press enter, sort the files by date with the newest at the top.


Send a copy of ViewPlusLicenseManager.log to

The user will need to have full permissions at these registry locations.

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\XamlClientSession

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