Frequently Asked Question

TSS6 Tiger ribbon does not appear in Word and Excel, or does not work.
Last Updated 6 years ago

You may find the Tiger menu missing, or if it is present, nothing happens when you click Translate document.
The add-in has been disabled.

Click File, Options, Add-ins.

Select Disabled items if it is available and click Go...


A dialog box appears and you may be able to select ViewPlus Tiger Software Suite 6 Word Addin and re-enable it.
Click Close.

Now select Com Add-ins and click Go...

Make sure there is a check for ViewPlus Tiger Software Suite 6 Word Addin.


With that line hilited, check the Load Behavior.  If it does not have Load at Startup, go to the next step.

This section required using Windows registry editor.  Be very careful and follow the directions or you could easily damage your Windows installation.

Open the start menu and type regedit.  Open the Registry editor.

Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\Word\Addins\ViewPlus.Tiger Software Suite 6


Double-click the LoadBehavior value in the right-hand pane and change the value to 3.


Click OK and close the registry editor.

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