Frequently Asked Question

No Braille Dots in the Application after Translating with ViewPlus Translator
Last Updated 9 years ago

You have used ViewPlus Translator to translated the contents of a document, and after the translation iscomplete, you see no Braille dots.

ViewPlus Translator has a section called Output Font.  If ASCII is chosen, your document should contain Braille, but it will be displayed in ASCII Braille, rather than Braille dots.

Your document may not contain selectable text.  Often, a scanned document will be perfectly readable for the sighted, but the text in the document is actually an image of text, rather than text that you can select and edit.  This cannot be translated to Braille.

The document may have been created using an ASCII Braille font.  The translator will not translate this, because it sees that the text is already Braille.

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