Frequently Asked Question

What software programs can print to a ViewPlus embosser?
Last Updated 10 years ago

You can print directly to the ViewPlus embossers from mainstream Windows programs. Included with all embossers is the Tiger Software Suite, your key to creating Braille in Windows. The Tiger Formatter is a tool for converting text to Braille directly in Microsoft Word and Excel. The ViewPlus Translator can be found in your Windows Start menu under the ViewPlus folder.  ViewPlus Translator makes it possible to translate to Braille from other programs, such as WordPad and Notepad, or translate sections of text copied to the clipboard to be pasted into any program that will accept text. It is also possible to print from conventional Braille software programs such as Duxbury and Braille 2000. For more information please see our separate solution for each program.

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