Frequently Asked Questions
Search Results
39 FAQs matched your search criteria.
- Approved ink cartridges for the VP SpotDot.
- Cleaning Elite and Premier Sensors
- Cleaning Sensors in the ViewPlus Cub and Max Embossers
- Columbia/Delta: The printer just makes a beep
- Cub/Max: How to Update Firmware.
- Embosser fails to power up
- Embosser Fails to Power Up.
- Embossing 2 Sided (Interpoint) on a ViewPlus Desktop embosser
- Emfuse prints correctly, but embosses in the wrong orientation.
- Emfuse: Updating Firmware
- Emprint/Spotdot: Updating the firmware
- Error code 50007
- How do I install a printer over the network?
- How do I load tractor paper?
- How to check the printer error code for a ViewPlus embosser
- How to clean the encoder strip on an EmPrint SpotDot
- How to enable the VPformatter.dll add-in for Microsoft Word.
- How to I setup a print queue that always prints to file?
- How to install a printer when the hardware is not actually connected to the PC.
- How to set up your WiFi device
- Ink Emboss Alignment for a Premiere or Elite Embosser
- InkConnect only prints on the left, or right, half of the page.
- Light Braille Dots on One Side of the Paper
- Load a custom braille table on to a VP Elite or VP Premier embosser
- Magic Colors and ViewPlus Embossers.
- Microsoft Word Unable to Print forms Over 22 Inches
- Printing a test page on a Premiere/Elite
- Printing from a BrailleNote to a ViewPlus Embosser
- Replacing the ink cartridge in the VP SpotDot
- Selecting the "Primary Emboss Head"
- SpotDot ink cartridge storage
- Updating the firmware for the ViewPlus Embraille Embosser.
- Updating the firmware on a Premier 80 / 100, Elite 150 / 200
- VP Cub Jr, VP Cub, and VP Max Packing Instructions
- VP EmPrint and VP SpotDot Packing Instructions
- VP InkConnect Packing Instructions
- VP Premier and VP Elite Packing Instructions
- VP Pro and Pro Gen II Packing Instructions
- VP SpotDot supported paper sizes