Frequently Asked Question

VP Premier and VP Elite Packing Instructions
Last Updated 10 years ago

Required Materials:

Replacement shipping materials are available from ViewPlus
  • Original shipping box
  • Original shipping foam
  • Low adhesion tape (masking tape or painters tape) 
  • Packing tape

Do not include:

Unless specifically requested, please do not include the following items
  • Power cord
  • USB cord
  • Driver or software CD
  • InkConnect

Packing Instructions:

  1. Use low adhesion tape to secure the lid and tractor cover to the front of the embosser.
    Elite and Premier 1
  2. Optional: Enclose the printer in the shipping bag if available and close with low adhesion tape.
    Elite and Premier 2
  3. One side at a time lift up the embosser and secure the shipping foam caps. 
    Elite and Premier 3
  4. Place the embosser and shipping foam in to the ViewPlus Box.
    Elite and Premier 4
  5. Seal the box with packing tape.
  6. Contact your freight forwarder to arrange shipping.

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