Frequently Asked Question

Locating IVEO 2.0 sample files.
Last Updated 10 years ago

This tutorial will teach you how to open the IVEO examples that are included with the IVEO Creator program and how to save the IVEO document you have created.
Documents used in IVEO will have an .SVG file extension. Scalable Vector Graphic, or SVG, is a mainstream graphic extension that allows a person to zoom in and out without losing resolution.

1) Open IVEO Creator.
Go to START, ALL PROGRAMS, locate your ViewPlus folder and select IVEO Creator and open it.

2) Open Samples Folder
To open and view the samples that were included with IVEO Creator, go to FILE and select OPEN.
If not already available, locate IVEO Creator 2.0 folder and select the subfolder named SAMPLES by using tab and your arrow keys. The path name is usually similar to the following:
C:\Program Files\ViewPlus\IVEOCreator_2.0\Samples

3) Open Example
The SAMPLE folder included with the IVEO Creator software has a wide array of examples that cater to people of varying age and skill level. Change the viewing option in the OPEN FILE dialog box to thumbnail in order to be able to view each document before opening it. To do this, right-click inside the dialog box and select VIEW, THUMBNAIL. When you have found an example that interests you, select OPEN.

4) Print Tactile Image and Place on IVEO Touchpad
To print your example, go to FILE then PRINT. Make sure that a ViewPlus embosser is selected in the PRINTER NAME dialog box and select OK. Remove the printed document from your embosser and clamp it onto the IVEO Touchpad. Make sure the braille index and figure title are on the left hand side and the tactile barcode dots are at the top.

You are now ready to start exploring your IVEO document.

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