Frequently Asked Question

How do I install a new IVEO Touchpad?
Last Updated 10 years ago

To verify if you have the new IVEO Touch Pad, check the serial number on the touch pad, the new touch pad will have a serial number of 05-000520 or higher. This touch pad still accommodates 11X14 in paper and has all of the same functionality as the previous 11X14 inch touch pad, however there is a new method of installation that must be followed step by step.

All new touch pads will now include an installation CD that must be run before you can use the touch pad and the instructions that accompany the new touch pad must be followed. You will also need to make sure your IVEO software is in the Accessible User Interface mode, just as you did with the previous touch pad for the calibration to be correct. If you have any questions, contact ViewPlus Support.

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