Frequently Asked Question

Hotkeys and shortcuts for the Tiger Software Suite Add-In.
Last Updated 8 years ago

TSS 4 and 5:

Apply Tiger Layout: Alt + X + G + A

Translate Document: Alt + X + G + T

Translate Selection: Alt + X + G + S

Quick Emboss: Alt + X + G + E

Formatter Settings: Alt + X + G + S

TSS 6:

Formatter Settings: Alt + Y2 + T

Current Tiger Profile: Alt + Y2 + G

Create Profile: Alt + Y2 + C

Delete Profile: Alt + Y2 + D

Apply Tiger Layout: Alt + Y2 + A

Translate Selection: Alt + Y2 + S

Translate Document: Alt + Y2 + X

Toggle Keep All Graphics: Alt + Y2 + K

Reload Original Document: Alt + Y2 + R

TSS Display Language: Alt + Y2 + L

Show Braille Dots/Show ASCII: Alt + Y2 + W

Quick Emboss: Alt + Y2 + Q

Print: Alt + Y2 + P

Online Help: Alt + Y2 + H

Manual: Alt + Y2 + M

About: Alt + Y2 + B

Activate/Deactivate Online: Alt + Y2 + V

Activate/Deactivate By File: Alt + Y2 + F

Check for Updates: Alt + Y2 + U

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