Frequently Asked Question

Where to find outline and reference maps of the U.S. and states.
Last Updated 9 years ago

U. S. Outline and Reference Maps

Robert Jaquiss
September 11, 2015

The following sites contain outline and reference maps of the U. S. The National Atlas site is:

A page of outline and reference maps for the U. S. is:
The above site also contains a variety of maps for each state. Some maps are in color and others are in black and white. In addition to the PDF maps, GIF files are also available. The labels do not appear to convert to editable labels when these maps are converted to Word, so braille labels will need to be added.

These maps were produced by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) so they should be in the public domain. The project was terminated in 2014, so the maps will not be updated.

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